The author

Akshay K.

Akshay is a Senior Content Writer who loves writing about technology. As a Computer Engineering graduate and a certified digital marketer, he aims to make tech easier for everyone. He also enjoys cooking, traveling, and learning new languages. Follow him on LinkedIn.

More posts by Akshay K.

Digital Marketing Pricing: How Much Do Digital Marketing Agencies Cost in 2024

Digital marketing has become a cornerstone of modern business strategies, and the pricing of such services is a crucial aspect for both clients and...

15 Website Speed Optimization Tips for Improving Site Speed in 2024

Optimizing your website load speed is essential for user engagement and SEO performance. Major search engines like Google and Bing prioritize page...

How to Grow a Digital Marketing Agency: 17 Strategies for 2024

The digital marketing industry is evolving rapidly, so agencies must adapt and grow to stay competitive. They must be proactive, innovative, and...

How to Cancel a Bluehost Account and Migrate Your Services to Another Platform

Bluehost is a popular web hosting company that is known for its cheap hosting plans and easy new account creation process. However, canceling Bluehost...

Prompt Engineering: What It Is and 15 Techniques for Effective AI Prompting + Tips

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools becoming more common across industries to supplement human effort, prompt engineering has emerged as a pivotal...

Website Redesign Project Plan: How to Develop a Successful Redesign Project in 2024

Revitalizing your old website through a well-executed website redesign project can improve your online presence and organic search traffic. However,...

Best Large Language Models for 2024 and How to Choose the Right One for Your Site

Large Language Models (LLMs) are emerging as game changers in the field of web development. They’re making website creation, maintenance, and...

How to Create a Website With Gutenberg in 6 Steps + Useful Tips to Improve Your Workflow

Building a website is now easier than ever, thanks to a wide array of user-friendly website-building tools. Among these, Gutenberg stands out as a...

11 Best WooCommerce CRM Solutions to Build Customer Relationships and Increase eCommerce Sales

Building and nurturing customer relationships is crucial for any eCommerce business. Luckily, using the right WooCommerce Customer Relationship...