WordPress Localhost: How to Install WordPress Locally in 6 Steps

WordPress is the most popular content management system for launching all kinds of websites. However, it’s no secret that the software is just as...

WordPress Architecture: Understanding the Website Structure, Common Files, and Directories

As a CMS, WordPress offers great flexibility in customizing the look and functionality of your website. The software also lets you boost the search...

What Are WordPress Post Formats? Different Format Types and How to Use Them

WordPress is a flexible platform. It lets you customize how your content looks with post formats. Depending on the article type, it can be helpful to...

How to Downgrade WordPress: Effective Methods for Reverting WordPress to an Older Version

Using the most recent WordPress version is regarded as one of the best security practices for safeguarding your website. Each update includes new...

How to Create a Multilingual WordPress Site in 2024

Whether you’re running a business or sharing information, communicating with a global audience requires you to speak their language. You can...

How to Create a Landing Page in WordPress and Start Converting

A landing page can increase your WordPress site’s conversion rate by encouraging visitors to take the desired action, such as subscribing to a...

Parent Page WordPress: Understanding Its Purpose and How to Set It Up

WordPress has two default post types – posts and pages. However, unlike posts and other custom post types, pages don’t have to be on the same...

WP-Content Uploads: What It Is and How to Upload Files in WordPress

The WP-Content directory plays a significant role in all WordPress sites. It houses your website’s content, including file and media uploads as well...

How to Install WordPress Locally (3 Methods)

Testing new themes and plugins on your live website can cause functionality issues, slow loading times, and even downtime. Without a testing site,...